Seven Virtues for Seven Sins Week 3 Generosity and Kindness

 Generosity not Greed; Kindness not Envy

Proverbs 28:25 The greedy person stirs up strife, but whoever trusts in God will be enriched. 


photo by Adam Nowakowski on unsplash

 I can’t remember where I have heard this story but I have heard it lately.  (Maybe one of you can tell me where.)  One person was commenting to another about the immense wealth of a third.  The listener responded:  He is very wealthy, but I have something he will never have.  I have enough.  I am not sure what our marketers and economists and investors would do if we all decided that we have enough.  We feel insecure.  Yet we are burdened with all our stuff!  Some people make their living getting us to buy things and others make their living telling us how get rid of things.  Greed drives a wedge between us.  Envy destroys the possibility of relationship.  Thank God that we have opportunities for generosity and kindness.  When we practice these virtues, their corresponding sins just melt away. 

If you want to think a bit more read and contemplate Mark12:1-12    



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