Seven Virtues for Seven Sins Week 2 Diligence not Sloth
Proverb: 19:15 Laziness brings on deep sleep; an idle person will suffer hunger.
photo by Zhang Kenney on unsplash
Sloth isn’t quite the same as laziness and diligence isn’t quite the same as busyness. We all need some down time, the lazy day, a break from the worries of the world. Sloth implies a lack of care about the world and people around you. We in our culture are very good at being busy but perhaps not so good at diligence. We can be busy at things that don’t really matter or the little things that seem urgent and ignore the important things—the big things like justice and climate change and peace. Weekly worship along with other spiritual disciplines can keep us diligently working towards a better world.
If you want to think a bit more read and contemplate Mark 13:32-37
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