Changing our Worldview; Changing our World 5
A Study of Mark Week 5
Mark 6:1-29 You win some;
you lose some; you keep going
Mission of the Twelve
Then he went about among the villages
teaching. 7 He called the twelve and began to send
them out two by two, and gave them authority over the unclean spirits. 8 He
ordered them to take nothing for their journey except a staff; no bread, no
bag, no money in their belts; 9 but to wear sandals
and not to put on two tunics. 10 He said to them,
“Wherever you enter a house, stay there until you leave the place. 11 If
any place will not welcome you and they refuse to hear you, as you leave, shake
off the dust that is on your feet as a testimony against them.” 12 So
they went out and proclaimed that all should repent. 13 They
cast out many demons, and anointed with oil many who were sick and cured them.
If we can agree that the gospel challenges many of our cultures
values and provides for us an alternative way of seeing and being in the world—cooperation
rather than competition; inclusivity and diversity rather than conformity;
justice and equity rather than income and power disparity; sustainability
rather than consumption; compassion rather than retribution—the next
step is to share the message and transform the cultural worldview! Not such an easy task.
Mark sandwiches this commissioning of the disciples between
Jesus’ rejection by his hometown and a recounting of the death of John the Baptist. There is a clear message that sharing the radical
vision that Jesus has for a compassionate, just and peaceful world is not going
to always go well. We live in a time
where it is particularly difficult to converse with people who do not agree
with our ideas. Perhaps Jesus advice to
those first disciples is useful for us as well.
When people are hospitable to the gospel, spend some time with
them. Hearts and minds don’t change
quickly. When people ‘refuse to hear’
what you have to say, walk away but first let them know that you strongly
disagree with their position. Sharing
the gospel isn’t about force or coercion but about offering an alternative way
and inviting those who are willing to try walking along it. Not everyone is willing. Some who are antagonistic and powerful will
react violently but over two thousand years the gospel has won more than it has
lost. It just needs us to keep
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