Becoming a Mature Christian 5
Luke 5:27-32 Jesus called some working class folk to join him, but he also called some who were more upper class. Tax collectors were in a position to get wealthy legally by charging what they determined the populace could bear in taxes. A situation not dissimilar to extremely wealthy executives benefiting from their companies charging ‘what the market will bear.’ In Jesus’ time, a tax collector was the epitome of greed. Levi was moved by Jesus to leave his former life and follow Jesus’ way, a way that rejected greed as an modus operandi. Levi didn’t, however, leave all his tax collecting social circle behind. He gave a great banquet and invited his friends to also meet Jesus. We are not told if any other tax collectors changed their ways but perhaps they did. Surely one sign of a mature person is having the confidence in yourself and your beliefs to invite others to join you. The invitation needs to acknowledge the comfort level ...